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Big Three CENSOR News on White House-Backed ‘Dark Money’ Group Pushing Biden’s Leftist Agenda

Posted on 22 February 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows censored news on a White House-backed "dark money" group being formed to help sell President Joe Biden’s leftist agenda to the American people. A Wall Street Journal exclusive revealed that Biden’s allies were “preparing to create a new nonprofit advocacy organization, with the White House’s approval, that will be funded by donors and seek to build support for his policy agenda, senior administration officials said.” The Feb. 17 report noted that the new group, named “Building Back Together,” will “be a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which would allow it to operate without disclosing its donors.” ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News ignored the news altogether during their Feb. 17, Feb. 18, and Feb. 19 broadcasts. [Emphasis added.]  The new group “is expected to run advertisements promoting the president’s policies and coordinate with existing nonprofit advocacy organizations on issues such as Covid-19, climate change and the economy.” What makes these optics worse is that Bloomberg News already admitted that $145 million in “dark money” had paved Biden’s path to the White House. The dark money spent supporting Biden was more than five times the $28.4 million in “dark money” spent for former President Donald Trump. Now, The Journal said that “Mr. Biden’s advisers hope to use the outside [dark money] group to promote his $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package to the public and his broader first-term agenda.”  As The Journal summarized: Mr. Biden has raised the importance of selling his policy achievements to voters and said during his campaign that Democrats had failed to do so on Mr. Obama’s behalf a decade ago. By making the group geared toward policy instead of elections, the advisers are looking to meet that goal while also avoiding any organizational conflicts within the Democratic Party that were partly blamed for poor midterm election performances under Mr. Obama. ABC, CBS and NBC seem very content with protecting Biden from any negative news that may undercut his image or his agenda. Recently, all three evening networks ignored reporting on a Feb. 1 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that shot down the notion that Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus was a necessity. The CBO report specifically stated that if “current laws governing federal taxes and spending (as of January 12) generally remain in place and that no significant additional emergency funding or aid is provided,” the economy will continue to strengthen "during the next five years." Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212-664-6192) and hold them to account for censoring news about the White House-backed dark money group. MRC News Analyst Nicholas Fondacaro contributed to this report.