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By Most Every Measure COVID Is Dissipating Across the Nation – Emergency Room Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths Are Way Down from Peaks in April

Posted on 17 September 2020

Across the nation, the China coronavirus is dissipating.  State by state, hospitalizations and deaths related to the coronavirus are down to lows not seen since March.

In Florida, for example, the number of deaths are falling.  Although the media reports on the deaths by date reported, when looking at the data you can see that the deaths reported today were deaths that occurred weeks ago.  This reporting skews the actual results.  When reporting on date of death, the number of deaths in Florida peaked in July:

In Arizona, the number of COVID cases in ICU’s is at its lowest levels since April:

Across the nation COVID is rapidly disappearing across the United States:

It’s now clear, any efforts to shut down businesses, force mask wearing, social distance, keep kids out of school and vote by mail are based more on politics that actual data.  The data shows this evil China coronavirus is finally dissipating.

The post By Most Every Measure COVID Is Dissipating Across the Nation – Emergency Room Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths Are Way Down from Peaks in April appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.